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Writer's pictureJessica McKinley

125. How Can I Make This Part of Business More Fun? (Minisode)

Updated: Mar 7, 2024

Sincerely, Future You

What do my people need right now? What would inspire them? What are they confused about? By asking “how can I make my business more fun?” I discovered that the rules of *professionalism* and money-making are all made up. In this week's minisode, let's dive in to make your business fun.

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Jessica McKinley 0:00

By asking, how can I make my business more fun, I actually discovered that the rules of professionalism and making money, they're all made up. And talking about controversial things like that publicly feels fun to me. I love to cause a stir. I'm not gonna lie. I love to get people riled up. To connect them to their bodies. To remind them of what they're emotional and passionate about.

Jessica McKinley 0:28

Welcome to Sincerely, Future You. Today's high-quality question is, how can I make this part of business more fun? And I really just like to ask that question about everything. How can I make this day more fun? How can I make this hour more fun? How can I make my life more fun? How can I make this relationship more fun? Step one: get one of these really sweet bedazzled water bottles. If you're not watching the YouTube, what are you even doing with your life? But I want you guys to start treating your life and your business as more of a game. And I like to even treat scheduling like a game with high-quality questions. For example, oh, I have 15 minutes free. What I want to do? What can I get done? Or best question yet, what can I create in these 15 minutes? How can I enjoy or connect in this free time? For example, I also love to make things a challenge. Challenges feel fun to me. That word might not resonate with you. So find the words that do feel fun in your body. But challenges feel fun and manageable to me. And the phrasing of it. I think because I grew up in a family that's very competitive. And they're all athletes and the word challenge was something we all kind of rose to it, it makes me feel like it's a safe space for failing. And you guys know how much I love to fail. And I love to prompt myself and you all to collect more failures because there's all of the learning and all of the growth. And all of the joys on the other side of the failing. Challenges feel like a fun short-term period of time where I get to practice going all in on my belief of what's possible for me with little risk other than a little negative emotion. For example, I once woke up and was like, I wonder if I could make 5k today? And I just put it out on my Instagram story. And I was like, I'm setting myself. I was waking up feeling kind of uninspired. And a way that I like to feel inspired is to give myself a challenge. And I shared the challenge publicly. So of course that brought all sorts of new thoughts and feelings. But it made me feel alive. Now, I didn't end up making 5k that day. But I did end up signing two clients within the three days following that. So challenges and fun, get you out of your own way. And so I want you to think about a way that you can do that for yourself. I also did it with 25k May. My team knows about that as well. They were constantly laughing at me. Because I was taking myself and this goal so seriously, but in a fun and silly way. And it was fun for the whole team to kind of watch what crazy thing I was going to do next. And I also love to ask, what do my people need right now? What would inspire them? What are they confused about? By asking, how can I make my business more fun, I actually discovered that the rules of professionalism and making money they're all made up. And talking about controversial things like that publicly feels fun to me. I love to cause a stir. I'm not gonna lie. I love to get people riled up. To connect them to their bodies. To remind them of what they're emotional and passionate about. I'm not worried about offending people, because I understand that I can't offend people anyway. I understand the model and they offend themselves with their thoughts about me. And their thoughts like how dare she think or say that. In the meantime, I usually connect deeply with a few people in my audience, in the process of talking about these controversial things that other people aren't willing to talk about. Many of these people I've never met before. I love having deep and meaningful connections with strangers. That's what fun is to me. What's fun for you? Put more of it on your schedule, in your manuals, and in your company policies. And then share it with me. Love to hear what's fun for you so that I can borrow it and make my business a little more fun. Have a beautiful day.

Jessica McKinley 4:55

Okay, Happyster. Now you have this week's high-quality question and your job is to answer it. Whether you're writing it down or whether you're just answering it concretely in your head, take a moment of silence. Pause this or don't just go right to your next podcast episode, and really give your space to breathe and to think harder than you thought all week. Answer this high-quality question and don't forget to share with me what wins you have. What you notice about your past self, and how you are beginning to step into that future CEO that I have come to know and love? Because in the future, we're friends right guys? Have a great week.

Jessica McKinley 5:40

Hey, Happsters, if you want to learn more about today's topic, head over to That's what's happening. W H A T S H A P P Y N I N G dot com forward slash podcast. If you're a business owner, and you're resonating with what we talked about here, what are you even doing? Come hang out with me over where the party's at on Instagram at what's happyning W Jess. Again that's happy. H A P P Y N I N G and book a discovery call to see if coaching is your next best step.

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