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222. Why Women Should Be Financially Independent with Megan Wing

What’s it like to pursue big goals, even amid a tumultuous time in your life? How do you navigate unexpected challenges, like facing financial insecurity? Why should women aspire to create financial independence, and where do you start?

My guest this week is business coach for entrepreneurs, Megan Wing. Megan made the career transition from elementary school teacher to coach, totally amped about her business, feeling like everything was on track, only to be dumped by someone she was financially dependent on. Instead of giving up, she decided to stay focused on the future of her business, and she’s here to be an example of what’s possible when women grow their self-trust.

Join us on this episode as Megan shares her insights on what it’s like to go all-in on yourself, especially during a tumultuous time in your life, and the beauty of making your decisions work for you. We’re discussing the key factors that helped Megan’s business take off, the importance of doubling down on your finances, and why we believe women should be financially independent.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The life transitions Megan has experienced as she’s grown her business.

  • How Megan stayed focused during a tumultuous time in her personal life.

  • The power of finding safety in all of the options available to you.

  • What it looks like to make your decisions work for you.

  • Why you must make a contingency plan for unexpected obstacles.

  • Our thoughts on why women should be financially independent.

  • What happens when you go all-in on yourself.

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